
GCH Epoch’s
Jolly Monster
of Northwoods


Whelped March 17, 2015 • CH Epoch’s Jolly Folly x Northwood Bits And Pieces Of Banner
OFA Hips Excellent; Elbows Normal; Optigen B; EIC clear; CERF annually.
CH Epoch's Jolly FollyCH Follie's Mon OncleMallorn's Romeo
Tweedledum Follies Bergerer
CH Epoch's Behaving BadlyCH Dickendall Davaron Gable
CH Wit's End Epoch Farm Windfall
Northwood Bits And Pieces of BannerCH Lobuff Bobwhite at ChucklebrookCH Boradors By George
CH Lobuff's Turtle Dove
Banner's Shezan Angel of NorthwoodCH Rozzay Hunt Club Clayview Grady Black
Windfall Star Spangled Banner